*By Steven Clifford - I dream of united, stable and peaceful nation. - I dream of a nation where citizens will reclaim their humanity and insecurity challenge will be a thing of the past. - I dream of a nation where public servants will be servant and not lords over citizens. - I dream of a nation that is wholly liberated and thus, Free from tyranny, corruption and greed. - I dream of a nation driven by politics of ideas rather than godfatherism. - I dream of a nation with reduced teenage pregnancy rates. - I dream of a nation where there is hope and bright future ahead of us. - I dream of a nation that will take her rightful place among other tribes. - I dream of a nation that is not ravage by poverty, war and diseases. - I dream of a nation where our youths will realise their worth and stop killing their brothers for selfish politicians and cultic belief. - I dream of a nation that rewards hard work and excellence. - I dream of a nation where their is no sentiments and di...